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Decoding the 7 Indian Wedding Vows of the Saptapadi!

The pious hindu marriage, a beautiful ceremony where the bride and groom enter into matrimony after taking the 7 pheras and fulfilling the Saptapadi i.e., the 7 steps/ vows of marriage to each other with Agni as witness. Each circle around the fire is a promise.

Don’t make promises you don’t intent to keep they say….Oh! we know you intend to keep them, but wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly what you promised? 😛

Pandit ji has done his bit, he’s done his chants, to be fair, he told you exactly what your vows are, the only hiccup – they’re in sanskrit and you’re not exactly affluent in the language (studying phalam phalle phallani in standard 8 doesn’t count!)

Worry not; we are decoding these wedding vows that are beyond mere promises, the ‘commitments’ of two souls, becoming one. So here is what your soul is committing to explained with a little game of he said, she said:

 Vow #1

He said - Vow#1 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

He said – Our love becomes stronger as you walk as one with me. Together we will share all our responsibilities of our home, food and children. May the lord bless us with noble children and may they live long.

SHe said - Vow#1 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

She said – Dear husband, I commit to you that together we will share our responsibilities of the home, food and children. I promise to discharge all my share of responsibilities for the sake of our family’s welfare.

Vow #2

He said - Vow#2 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

He said – My beloved, as you walk with me on this second step, may the creator bless you always. I will love you and you alone as my wife. I pledge to fill your heart with strength and courage. My got protect our family, lodge and children.

She said - Vow#2 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

She said – My husband at all times I will fill your heart with happiness and strength. In your happiness I shall rejoice. May to bless you and our honourable lodge.

Vow #3

he said - Vow#3 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

He said – My beloved, as you have taken this third step with me, our wealth and prosperity will grow. May the lord bless us. May we educate our children well and may they live long.

She said - Vow#3 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

She said – My husband, I love you with single minded devotion. I vow to treat all other men as my brothers. My devotion to you is pure and you are my true joy. This is my commitment and pledge to you

Vow #4

he said - Vow#4 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

He said – My beloved, I’m blessed that you have walked four steps with me. May the creator bless you. You have  brought favour and sacredness in my life.

She said - Vow#4 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

She said – My dear husband, in all acts of righteousness, in material prosperity, in every form of enjoyment and divine acts of sacrifice, worship and charity I promise to always participate and be with you.

Vow #5

he said - Vow#5 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

He said – O my beloved, you have walked five steps with me. May the creator bless us. May he make us prosperous.

She said - Vow#5 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

She said – O my husband, I will share in both your joys and sorrows. Your love will make me very happy.

Vow #6

he said - Vow#6 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

He said – O my beloved, by walking these 6 steps with me, you have filled my heart with happiness. May i fill your heart will joy and peace time and time again. May the creator bless you always.She said - Vow#6 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

She said – O my husband, the creator blesses you. I shall fill your heart with joy and peace. I promise to always be with you.

Vow #7

he said - Vow#7 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

He said – My beloved goddess, as you have walked seven steps with me, our love and friendship have become inseparable and strong. We are spiritually united by God. You are mine completely and I offer myself in totality to you. May our marriage last forever.

She said - Vow#7 from witty vows decoding the 7 indian wedding vows

She said – My husband, by the creator’s law and the spirits of our noble ancestors, I have become your wife. I made all my promised to you with a pure heart, and the spirits bear witness to that. I will never deceive you, nor will I let you down. I will be yours forever.

And that’s a wrap people! These are the 7 vows of holy matrimony in India. Drumroll please! We now pronounce you fully informed 🙂


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