No matter how annoying brothers can be, there is no better feeling for a bride than walking to the mandap along with her brothers under that Phoolon ki Chaadar After all, every bride deserves that ‘Kabira’ entry, doesn’t she! But, does a phoolon ki chadar mean it can’t look different? Nope! you can always count on us to bring that twist on tradition ! Here are some of the gorgeous and fresh phoolon ki chadar ideas (pun intended😝) to make sure your Bridal entry isn’t just beautiful, but is also on trend 😇
Our Fav. Phoolon Ki Chadar Ideas for this Season ⬇︎💖
(c) reels and frames
The idea of this chaadar is just Wow. flaunt your dulhaniya status like how! It’s such a fab idea, and the photos look wow which makes it totally worthwhile.
Under MY umbrella
(c) The cheesecake Project
Why not be a tad more creative and ask your bhai to hold an umbrella that’s beautifully decorated instead? Making a trend statement with every tread!
Here’s some more Swooooonworthy Bridal Entry Ideas you HAVE to see STAT!
(c) Phuket Best Photography
An entry under this entirely pretty and perfect genda phool chaadar with the song ‘Sasural Genda Phool’ at the background would definitely be savage. Long strings ending with that eye-popping blue, ain’t that the perfect standout design for you 😍
(c) house on cloud films
Love the concept of blingy and golden kaleera on the chadar instead of the flowers. what can we say, gold is always beautiful and bold!
(c) WhatKnotin
The idea of using the white tuberoses and red rose buds as tassels overhead, is a great way to jazz up that bridal entry!
(c) Shades Photography
Another gorgeous way is to decorate the chaadar with flowers at the front so that it stands out and so do you 😛
PS – Here’s our pick of songs to pair with that bridal entry that’ll be trending everywhere
These gorgeous phoolon ki chadar ideas are definitely keepers for this season. Do not forget to tell us which one is your favourite in the comments below and tell us the reason ⬇︎
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